Returning home inspired!
Sales Manager Michael Bresnahan and Robert Tornello returned home this week from a very successful industry trade show: the ACF Convention, in Orlando. We were delighted to finally be able to meet the people behind the names, that is, the top professional chefs--in Florida and beyond--with whom we have been working this past year.
And we have to say, we were inordinately pleased to meet executive chefs from across the country who already knew about 3 Boys Farm, and who had read about our leadership in sustainable agriculture.
In addition to having made new friends--and of course realized new business for the farm, thanks to the show--Robert was asked by executive chefs in Florida to assist them with their farm-to-school programs.
We'd like to thank the local ACF chapters for inviting 3 Boys Farm to participate in this superb trade show--we will definitely be at the next Florida ACF Convention.
And finally, we want to let you know that both Michael and Robert are available, at no charge, to speak about sustainable farming at your chapter meetings. (Please contact Michael-- Mike@3BoysFarm -- to schedule this.)